This service will append additional details (such as gender, length of residency, estimated year of birth, household composition & a modelled view of lifestage and affluence) from the DBS Lifebase data set for the addresses we've matched from the data provided.
This service is costed on a per lookup basis.
This service requires the following data to be available before it can be used:
- Address
- Person Name
The following options can be configured for this service at the upload stage.
Name | Description |
Match Level | Match Level
Set this to indicate how closely names need to match for a record to be considered a match by this service.
Append Status Flags | Append Status Flags
Appends a Head Of Household flag, Married Flag and Gender flag from the DBS Lifebase file. |
Append Longevity Flags | Append Longevity Flags
Appends a Length of Residency (in months) and Estimated Year of Birth from the DBS Lifebase file. |
Append Household Flags | Append Household Flags
Appends a various household level statistics to your record including Council Tax Band, Property Value ranking, Income Value Ranking, Lifestage and Household composition from the DBS Lifebase file. |
There are no options that can be configured for this service at the download stage.
This service adds the following columns to your output data.
Name | Description |
Gender | Gender
The gender of the person from the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file. |
Head Of Household | Head Of Household
A flag indicating whether or not the matched person is marked as the head of household on the DBS Lifebase file. |
Married Flag | Married Flag
A flag indicating whether or not the matched person is marked as being married on the DBS Lifebase file. |
Year Of Birth | Year Of Birth
The estimated year of birth from the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file. Where the year is known it is shown, where it is not then the year is estimated. |
Length Of Residency | Length Of Residency
The length of residency of the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file. |
Household Composition | Household Composition
The household composition flag of the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file:
Council Tax Banding | Council Tax Banding
The UK council tax banding (mainland UK only where known) of the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file. |
Income Decile Band | Income Decile Band
A banding indicating average income of the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file. "1" indicates bottom 10% of income and "10" indicates top 10% of income band. |
Property Decile Band | Property Decile Band
A banding indicating the property price of the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file. "1" indicates bottom 10% of property prices and "10" indicates top 10% of property prices. |
Lifestage | Lifestage
The Lifestage indicator of the matched record on the DBS Lifebase file: