Data Validation Service Reference
Technical documentation for each of our data validation services is listed below. These services are available through our self-service portal.
Data Validation Services
Address Capture
Provides UK Postcode Lookup services
Bank Account Validation
Check bank details are correct and get additional details about the bank
Business Information
Access detailed company information including full financial details
Check telephone numbers against the Corporate Telephone Preference Service
Companies House
Access basic company information
Country Detection
Detect a country from contact information.
Credit Card Validation
Validate credit card numbers and determine the type of card.
Identify deceased individuals with a name and/or address.
Obtains geo-demographic profile information from a postcode.
Retrieve Irish addresses by Eircode
Email Validation
Check if an e-mail address is valid.
Get grid references and longitude/latitude for an address.
Check if a person has moved from their address.
International Postcoder
Checks and reformats both residential and business addresses.
International Telephone Validation
Checks if a telephone number is valid.
Mobile Validation
Check if a mobile number is valid and still live.
Check if a person is registered on the MPS.
Name Append
Electoral Roll Name & Year of Birth Append and Residency Verification
Name Cleansing
Cleanse names and identify gender.
Phone Validation
Checks if a telephone number is valid.
Postcode Verify
Check if a postcode is valid.
Checks and reformats both residential and business addresses
Predictive Address
Add auto-complete functionality to an address form on your website.
Salacious Name
Identify attempts to enter made up names.
Get a telephone number from a name and address.
TeleAppend Business
Get a telephone number from a name and address.
Telephone Directory
Browse the telephone directory.
Telephone Formatting
Format a telephone number to a standard format.
Telephone Geocoding
Identifies the location of a UK landline number.
Telephone Line Validation
Check if a landline number is valid and still live.
Check telephone numbers against the Telephone Preference Service.
Website Validation
Check if a web address is valid.